Chickpea Crouton Salad

Chickpea Crouton Salad

Every good salad needs key elements A great green, A protein, bright vegetables, crunch, acid, salt and maybe a little heat This salad I created with some holiday colors as well as all these elements to keep your plate bright and your belly nourished! Let me know what...
Apple Cinnamon Smoothie

Apple Cinnamon Smoothie

I won’t lie…. I’m not a big pie lover… Unlike the rest of my family who could eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner it seems! haha I just never could get in to it.. But with a choice. Definitely apple was the only way So why not create a...
Tomato Toast

Tomato Toast

It would seem that I keep going back to my grandparents farm for these recipes For that I am so grateful. Still to this day they grow their own garden and have a green house. When you’re a kid you don’t think about these things as much. You take for...
2023 Goals & Gratitude

2023 Goals & Gratitude

What if I told you that I believe resolutions are old news… It’s totally easy to say what  you want for the upcoming year. But how much time and effort do we usually put in to making it an actual goal? Something tangible and sustainable? How often do we...
Holiday Oats

Holiday Oats

Please tell me I’m not the only lover of a warm bowl of oatmeal? More fond memories from when I was a kid. My grandparents would make us oatmeal every morning! Either that or Red River Cereal or Cream of Wheat! Oh, my it was our favorite. Splashed with milk and...