It would seem that I keep going back to my grandparents farm for these recipes

For that I am so grateful. Still to this day they grow their own garden and have a green house.

When you’re a kid you don’t think about these things as much. You take for granted the work it takes to create the food we consumed so thanklessly.

But one thing is for sure. My grandma grew the best tomatoes I have ever tasted. The kind that were sweet, yet tangy, that exploded with flavor in your mouth.

The best part was when she would make me her toasted tomato’s I was always a picky eater, but when those hit my plate they were gone in minutes and I always wanted more!

Now grams is a simple lady. A little mayo, some garden garlic and her tomatoes. A little S&P and that’s all she needed to be happy.

I still love mine this way too, but as I have gotten more creative in the kitchen I have also added some magical ingredients.

One thing I did not put on this recipe is dill!! Adding dill to this is absolutely amazing and something I highly encourage.

So here’s another very easy recipe, but one that is great for those busy days when you need something to keep you going!