mason jar noodles

Mason Jar Salad
cook time

Cook Time

5 minutes

serving size

Serving Size

1 person



  • 1-4 types of veggies Eg. (broccoli, celery, corn, carrot, zucchini, cauliflower, onion, bell peppers, garlic)
  • Vermicelli Noodle or Cooked Rice
  • Tamari
  • Coconut Aminos or Soy Sauce
  • bouillon of choice (Veg, Chicken, Beef)
  • Legumes of some kind (Beans, Lenitils)
  • Lemon
  • Ginger
  • A protein like Tofu, Chicken, Shrimp, Beef (Cooked)


    This is a mix and match case. So depending on what it is you like you can put whatever it is you want into your soup creation. 
    1. Wash and chop all veg, Cook whatever protein you want
    2. Take a portion of noodles out of the package and stuff into the jar
    3. Add Veg and cooked protein of choice into jar
    4. In a bowl combine whatever spices you want to use as well as the tamari, lemon, ginger, coconut amino and mix. Then add to jar as well
    5. Add your bouillon cube 
    6. Seal and keep in the fridge until you are ready to use
    7. Boil water, pour into jar and let noodles cook for a couple of minutes 
    8. Enjoy
    When prepared you can enjoy these all week! Always keep in mind what protein you choose to use and its general shelf life however you are good to use with animal protein within 2-3 days as long as cooked ahead of time and stored in the fridge. A great hack is using your leftover veg and protein from dinner and creating a quick soup for lunch the next day!